Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, July 7, 2011

30 is rough

Well, everyone warned me about 30... but I didnt know that it was going to be sooooo tough on me. haha

I went from being excited about being 30 to falling apart in a matter of weeks!  Yep.  Kidney Stones. Maybe it was from all the drinking I did in Vegas?!?!

Let me say if you have never had them you are blessed.... if you have you know the about of relentless pain that comes from something so small. After a few days in the hospital and surgery to break up the larger stones I am feeling better.  After some testing hopefully they will find out what has caused these little puppies and I can make sure to never have them again.  Not to mention I told Kevin, next time... just let me die on the side of the road because a funeral would have been less expensive than this little adventure!  ha

P.S.  at work they are now referring to me as "bubble girl" because I have been so sick.

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