Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 weeks

Happy Valentine's little Bean!  It's been a busy week but Momma is doing good..feeling exhausted, and nauseous most days.
 Learning that you don't like it when I eat seafood! And although anything with garlic sounds great, it makes my tummy VERY ANGRY! Haha.
We are visiting NYC this next week so we will get to share the news with our friends and family!
Oh I also ordered a fetal heart monitor this week so that Daddy and I can hear your little heart beat whenever we want! So exciting!!
Alright... well I'm off to eat some chocolate to celebrate our first V-day together bean.

Friday, February 10, 2012

8 weeks

Ah, I can't believe we are at 8 weeks already.  Gosh only one month to go before we are out of the 1st trimester!  Exciting stuff.  I took my first belly picture this week. I am going to try to document the growth and use my board to share exciting updates as we go.  So here is the first of many more to come.  Also been thinking we are getting ready to announce the news!  We are thinking here in the next two weeks we will be able to tell the world about our precious gift!

They say at 8 weeks the baby's taste buds are forming.  So I made sure to eat lots of Mexican food this week!  Because let's face it, if your going to be any kid of ours you might need a sombrero.

7 weeks

Well little bean today you are seven weeks along!  So exciting!!  At 5w5d I had an ultrasound and was able to see your precious little heart beat.   It was the most amazing moment.  The feeling in my heart seeing you growing so big and strong was such a blessing from God.  Daddy was not there for it (which makes me sad) but we go back this week with hopes of seeing your strong heart!! I did get our first "picture" and we proudly have it hanging on the fridge.  You literally are the size of a little bean and look like it too. ha

 I am feeling all the "by the book" symptoms... nausea, big boobs, bloated, and tired.   But when you are growing a baby I guess that is all to be expected.  And if it means that you are healthy and strong we will welcome ever little bit of it.  I let myself get carried away this week with looking on baby websites.  Man all the things you have to buy and get.  Its nuts...but also looks like a lot of fun.  I've already found some adorable little outfits.  Too bad we wont know the sex for many more weeks to come.  Funny I always thought I would want a girl, but things have changed for us so much that we just want a healthy happy baby. And a small part of me wants Kevin to have his little boy!! haha Even though I will have no idea what to do with one.

Feeling a lot more relaxed and hopeful. Just praying that God's goodness continues to spill over on us! A friend gave me the quote from Psalms that I have been reflecting on "No good thing does he withold from those who walk uprightly. Blessed are those who trust in God."

5w5d saw the heartbeat!

7w5d saw and heard your little heartbeat!
Oh yeah, we also got your due date SEPTEMBER 15TH!

Baby Diary's

Well, what can I say... I am overjoyed. I must say I knew before I knew!  You little one, are a gift from Maui!  So I will not be surprised if you come out on a surf board! We have so much love for you already.  Although at this time you are only 5 weeks, we have already shared up's and downs with you and feel like God has blessed us.  Last Friday your Dad and I got to see your little picture.  You are so tiny.  Just a speck...but a speck that is growing very strong and is such a welcome blessing.  When we left the doctor we jumped up and down with excitment!