Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, January 29, 2011

busy bee

The last two weeks have been BUSY! I feel.. no wait I know that we have traveled all over the state of Pennsylvania. Last week Jefflyn (who works with me in our NY location) went with me to DuBois to visit our other office. I had a ton of things that needed to get done and I thought it would be a great idea for her to see how busy this location got in just one year!!!

We had a great time, us girls... Jess, Jodi and Jefflyn (wow thats a lot of J's) all went out for drinks after work and ended up at a little karaoke night at the Ski Lodge! Well being that all of us are originally from Texas, minus Jodi who is a born and raised local. We decided to do a little song that represents TX best! Sooooo, ALL MY EX'S LIVE IN TEXAS, it was!!!!! ha
Oh yes, we got up on the stage and sang our little cowgirl hearts out to some George Straight (love him). I did get a few seconds on video although now I am regretting that!

This week Kevin and I took a road trip from NY to Pittsburgh to look at prospects for a 3rd Ft. Worth Pipe yard! Yes we have become quite the opportunist. It was a 3 day trip that felt like 5. By then end of trip my little rear end was numb from ridding in the car so much. But we did stop and have a little fun along the way.
Being the food addict that I am, I saw on the food channel that one of the top 10 best sandwich shops originated in Pittsburgh. It is called Primanti Brothers, and it was every bit as good as they say! Look at this sandwich loaded high with fries (that's a common northern thing, they put fries on salads, sandwiches, you name it) slaw, meat, and soft yummy bread. It was delicious!

I was all but in heaven until the lady brought me the check to sign. Now I know that we are in Pittsburgh, and I am FULLY aware that their precious Steelers are going to Superbowl....but I am NOT a Steelers fan. Although everyone else around me is, and keeps telling me to jump on the waggon! Even Kevin has converted. Jeezsh

But this dang near ruined my moment. ..... Yep, they are even writing on their silverware!

We also got to eat a nice dinner at the Grand Concourse.  This is the original rail station that ran through Pittsburg.  It sits right on the water and overlooks downtown.  Its beautiful and is still the original structure including the old railcar seats.  It was delicious seafood as well!  So all in all I was a happy camper.  We got a lot of business done (keep your fingers crossed) and we had a mini vacay!
Unfortunately now, I'm knee deep in laundry....

Friday, January 21, 2011

The List

I posted this several months ago on another website, but wanted to put in on my blog since I am trying to be more dedicated to this one.

My list of things I want to do before my time is gone.

  1. Travel to the following places; Ireland, Greece, New Zealand
  2. Learn to snowboard
  3. Take a cooking class
  4. Give back to the earth by helping restore a coral reef system
  5. Finish getting my pilots licensens
  6. Own a boat
  7. Be debt free
  8. Learn to salsa dance
  9. Ride a motorcycle on a Sunday afternoon
  10. Sing again... outside of my car
  11. Overcome a fear.. I have a few; dentist, heights, sharks, etc.
  12. Learn a craft
  13. Learn to enjoy more and stress less
  14. Expand my taste in foods
More to come....

"It is not death a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." ~ Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

call me crazy

Yep, call me crazy... but I have been dying for some snow!  Nothing excites me more in the dead of winter that to wake up to a white winter wonderland!  Coming from Texas snow is so rare that I am not sure I will ever get tired of watching it fall.  It always seems so peaceful and quite when it falls... not to mention beautiful.  Up north the snow flake are as big as quarters and fall effortlessly from the sky.  So the lack of "white" over Christmas had me down.... but at last, a good amount of snow headed right for us!  YEA!

To me it only seems right that if it is going to be in the teens and twenty's for 3 months that we have snow to go with it.  I mean what fun is cold weather without snow!  So I know most people could probably do without but I am happy with the snow... and so are the pups :)
Here are some picts.

This is our street.. which you can't see

Doin Texas proud!

the casa.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Long week

This week was a hard week.  Not only have I been feeling a bit emotional lately I am also working through the feelings of missing Texas.  Don't get me wrong. I like where we live now, and I LOVE our home.  And in the grand scheme of things I would go anywhere as long as I had Kevin.  But I am feeling further and further away from Texas... and I am not sure I like it. 

I have been putting off changing my drivers license.  I know it sounds silly, but I feel like its the last real document that ties me to there :(  I feel like once it is gone I have lost "where I am from" and have become just another New Yorker.  I also like it because its a conversation starter.  When we go places and they see the Texas license it instantly starts questions.  Call me silly, and it may seem small but for some reason its got me all in a funk.
So then comes the other two pieces....
Last week I decided to finally bite the bullet and find a "local" doctor.  I have been putting it off, because lets be honest ladies once you find one you like you dont give up your "golden ticket".  But we are officially staying in NY for a while so I figured I better get it over with.  WELLLLLL  big mistake!  My first visit was a nightmare.  And after only a thought I can say I wont be going back.  UGH so frustrating.  Not only did the doctor tell me in not so many word that I was crazy for even being there, he did not do anything outside of jot a few pieces of information down before dismissing me and any questions or concerns I have.  He was so quick to brush me off that he told me that "On paper I am perfectly healthy, and there was no reason for the visit!"  HELLLLOOOOO, its a first visit.  That is the reason for the visit.  Well after looking at his watch TWICE I realized I had made a huge mistake in trying to find another doctor.  I'm not saying I need him to spend his whole day with me...but I've had my own laundry list of "girl" problems in the past.  So I want to make sure I stay on top of things and that I am "OK".  Well, this guy was not the one to do that.  When I first left I felt frustrated and angry, but then as the day when on I started to second guess myself.  By the time I got home I was in tears and had convinced myself that I was a nut!  haha
But after a little support from Kevin and Momma Christy, I realized that I was just going to have to start my doctor search over and kindly remove my self from this guys patient list!!

Last and not least, Kevin and I went out the other night to watch the Cotton Bowl.  While we were out I just felt so sad.  I just couldnt get over the feeling of missing Texas and really really missing our friends.  I mean, we really have no friends outside of a few work colleagues up here.  And I MISS FRIENDS. No really, I miss them!  I love Kevin with all my heart, and really he is my best friend and soul mate.  Thank God he is so supportive...because without him I would crumble more often than I already do.  But there is nothing like good old fashioned friends.  So after lots of tears this weekend and some UGH moments and Kevin consoling me.... Friends is now first thing on the to do list.  Yep, we are gonna make us some friends! lol 
Wish us luck!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 a wrap up

This year was full of surprises and changes.  Well, I guess our life is constantly changing so that is not new.  But here are some of the top memorable events of 2010 for us.

1) I learned that I am not a country girl.  I need neighbors, lights, and food nearby.
2) I learned that I DO want a family of my own! 
3) I learned that working for your husband is hard, but rewarding and something I would not trade for the world
4) We moved to Horseheads, New York on 10/1 to be exact.  Which is a beautiful part of upstate NY
5) We bought a dreamy new home, after selling our TX home. 
6) We started 2, yes two new locations for Ft. Worth Pipe
7) I became crafty and domesticated.  Kevin loves the cooking...the sewing, not so much!
8) We traveled to Naples and Key West (both in Florida)
9) And last but not least, I hosted my first "Christmas dinner" with no major melt downs. haha

I am not usually one for resolutions, but as I mentioned earlier I did make one.  So staying true to my word I am blogging weekly.  Kevin and I also made a resolution as a couple.  We are starting a date night.  I never really felt "we" needed this in the past, but as time goes on I like the idea.  We eat out some, not nearly like we did in Texas.  I cook more now, but feeling like there is a night that is planned and thought out just for us is nice.  Not that it has to be elaborate by any means.  But its something that will add a little surprise to our lives.  So we are doing it twice a month and rotating out who's turn it is to plan the date night.  It can be dinner and a movie, an overnight date, even pizza and wine.  The point isn't what we do, its about doing it together! 
I look forward to posting about it throughout the year. 

So farewell to 2010, I am not sad to see you go.  I am really excited about this next year and the place we are in our lives.  I feel like great things are happening for us and I am excited about a new year.  I hope everyone has a blessed 2011.