Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, September 2, 2012

38 weeks

This will be my last post before Kai joins us in a few days.  I wanted to take a little time to reflect on some of the last minute things and some of my favorite memories about this journey.

I wont forget that Kai was a gift from Hawaii, and I guess you could say an early Christmas Miracle of 2011.  And I also wont forget that deep down I knew I was pregnant at Christmas.  I even remember meeting up with friends and not "drinking" because I thought I was PG.  I also even remember taking a pregnancy test before we spent New Years Eve in NYC.  I had called the doctor because it was really early and asked if they would do a blood test.  Which they did and informed me that unfortunately I would be able to spend New Years celebrating because I was not pregnant, and there was NO way it would not have been accurate.  Ha, I look back now and laugh at how from the beginning Kai has defied what everyone "says" is supposed to be!!!

Turns out I was pregnant and our journey began there.  It has been full of up's, down's, scary moments, joy, tears, fears, and complete awe.  And I although I am not sure we will ever do it again.. I would not trade a single moment of OUR experience.  Of course I am saying this before I give birth (so hopefully my feelings wont change after this week :)

Skip forward 9 months and Kai is still the same baby who is anything but typical.  Doctors say he is going to be small (5.2 lbs) and that we might have to adjust to what we thought would be our "Plan"
But in this last week Kevin and I have truly tried to take in every last minute and just let the joy of what has happened shine.

Last night Kevin read "Goodnight Moon" a book given to us by the Hess's as he layed on my belly feeling and listening to his son.  He said he could hear the heart beat along with other movements in my belly!  It makes my heart feel so much love to see the excitement and joy on Kevin's face about "his boy"

We have learned that Kai is very reactive to touch, and will respond to rubbing on one side or the other of my belly....needless to say we spend most nights testing this theory and then laughing at how far he sticks out his little butt and legs!  This by far has been my favorite part of pregnancy.

Here is a small recap of the 3rd trimester

Cravings: Peaches, Pineapple, BBQ, lots of fruit

Feelings: Anxiety about the baby being healthy. Still lots of kicks and rolls!! Sleeping is fitful, I wake every few hours.  Less energy, Lots of indigestion, Lots of pressure as he has dropped.

Funny Memories: Kevin talking to Kai and telling him stories.  Walking an empty stroller around the block with the dogs! I wanted to make sure they wouldn't freak out when I tried to walk them with the baby!  My OCD kicking into extreme force (I cleaned everything...even sticky notes at work!)  Enjoying our "last" moments of peace and quiet.  The calm before the storm.

Dreams: Snakes, Tigers (they are back), I had a dream one night that I gave birth to twins but each only had ONE EYE!!! When I told our neighbors the Hess's they found a hat that was symbolic of my dream. haha  I think Kevin might wear it in the delivery room just for comic relief.

Weight gain: I am toping the scales at 148.  This is a toal of 30 lbs overall since the beginning!

We have tied up every last loose end.  Bag's packed, day-care picked, outfits washed, house is clean... there is nothing more that I need than for our little boy to be in our arms healthy and strong!  We are excited and nervous (as any parent to be is) but we know that God is going to get us through this week.

September 6th Hurry up!!!!!!!!!

37 weeks

I have to say that after taking this picture and my doctors apt this week this board is in error.  I usually get the weight and size out of my "What to Expect" book.  And a typical baby would weight this much at 37 weeks.... but our little man is going to be anything from typical.

As I knew from the start.  It seems like nothing about this journey has been simple or planned, so this week would be no different.
We found out that baby Kai has not gained any weight in the last month and is only showing to be 5.2 lbs!!!  He has weighed this much on the ultrasounds since the beginning of August.  At first my doctor said it was no alarm and that he was just slowing down in growth which some babies do as they get close and run out of room.  But after a full month of no change in weight (when lets face it, this is the time they should be bulking up) the doctor has said its time for him to come out. 
So we now have a new induction date set for Thursday September 6th..  After switching family flights and finishing up my last day at work I have decided that it is probably best to finally take it easy.  Kevin and I have never been one to slow down and I can count the number of days we have been "lazy" this summer on one hand!  So I feel like its time to just relax and try to give Kai the best possible chance of growing big and strong over the next week before he joins us.

I would be lying if I was to say that I was not worried about him, his health, and what will come next.  But I have to trust that God knows the plan and is going to take care of our baby. 
I just want him to be healthy.  They said depending on how things go he might be in the hospital anywhere from a few days to a week or so.  We are hoping for the best and that we get to bring him home as soon as possible.

Kevin has officially put me on a protein diet and has instructed me to eat "everything in sight"!!!

As of my last doctors apt. I weighed 148.  I have gained a total of 30lbs in the last nine months.
It is neat because I was looking at my baby book and found out that my starting and ending weight is the exact same as my mothers was with me (only I came out weighing 6.8oz.)

So for now I am being monitored and watched to make sure that the baby stays active and his vitals are good, and until the 6th we are all sitting on pins and needles.