Baby Bean

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vegas baby Vegas

Well, we are finally back from the Birthday extravaganza. Not that I am at all eager to come back to this cold rainy northern weather. But our trip eventually had to end. But it was A GREAT GETAWAY.

Not only did my 30th birthday turn out to be fun it was positively the best birthday I have ever had.  Kevin did such a great job to make it special.  So, here is a run down of the trip.  We started out the night before we left and Kevin surprised me with an IPAD 2!!!  I had been dying for one so he surprised me the night before so i could have plenty of time to explore my new gadget.  The next day we headed off....  VEGAS it was.  We spent the weekend there.  The first night was all about seeing the strip and drinking champagne!  We visited all the casinos and celebrated being on vacation.  I really thought I might feel too old for the "hype" but once we arrived I put my game face on and was ready to go!  We stayed out so late the first night... but for some reason I was not tired at all....(I still believe it was the oxygen haha) I woke up at 6 am and asked Kevin if we could get up because the oxygen in the room was keeping me awake!!! HA.  At 8am he finally caved and we were up for the day!!  We did it all, shopping, relaxing pool time and then headed out for the evening.  Kevin let me pick dinner, and I found a steak house that is Tom Colicchio's (from Top Chef) and it was excellent!!!!  Then Kevin surprised me with a Cirque show called KA'.  We ended the night be watching the water show out side the Bellagio.

So we said goodbye to Sin City and jet setted off to relax on Catalina Island, CA.  This little bay island town was a great place to slow down and enjoy each other.  It has been such a busy year, the trip was much needed.  We had great food, conversation, massages, and relaxation. Being able to celebrate our birthdays together is such a great thing in life.  I am so blessed to be able to share all these experiences and have Kevin.   What a great time!

Here are some pict's of the trip!

finally in only took me 30 years!

Our first night out, it was about 3am here and felt like noon. haha

the strip


Catalina was so quaint.

Happy B-Day to Kevin

Manhattan Beach CA

soaking up the last day of vacay

1 comment:

Samantha West said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful job...much deserved...miss you guys in Texas! Hope all is well!