Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, April 11, 2011

Birthday Week!

Yep, It is time... the twenties are officially fading away.  This is my last week to spend doing anything dumb that can be blamed on the "twenties".  Which also means that it is time for my Birthday Week. Yep, if I have to celebrate the fact that I am getting older and showing more gray hair then I most certainly get to celebrate it big time!  So that means for a week, yep the whole week, I am going to celebrate and pout. haha

Kevin has some trick up his sleeve and we are jet setting somewhere for the weekend.  He will not tell me any details, so we will have to wait it out!  The excitement is killing me!!! Although the only thing I am really dying to have is an Ipad2, I will gladly take any time away to celebrate OUR birthdays. 
Oh yes... he is not out of the woods (since his is only 3 days after mine).  I am excited to see how the week plays out and what he has planned.

And just to start the "big" week off.  I had to rub it in to Kevin's face that for 29 years of my life my birthday has been on TAX DAY.  Which happens to also mean that everyone is grumpy.  But thanks to Obama..... I have been given a break.  No not a tax break, just a slight delay.  HA.  Tax day was moved to April 18th which now falls on KEVINS BIRTHDAY.  Hahaha

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