Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, September 2, 2012

38 weeks

This will be my last post before Kai joins us in a few days.  I wanted to take a little time to reflect on some of the last minute things and some of my favorite memories about this journey.

I wont forget that Kai was a gift from Hawaii, and I guess you could say an early Christmas Miracle of 2011.  And I also wont forget that deep down I knew I was pregnant at Christmas.  I even remember meeting up with friends and not "drinking" because I thought I was PG.  I also even remember taking a pregnancy test before we spent New Years Eve in NYC.  I had called the doctor because it was really early and asked if they would do a blood test.  Which they did and informed me that unfortunately I would be able to spend New Years celebrating because I was not pregnant, and there was NO way it would not have been accurate.  Ha, I look back now and laugh at how from the beginning Kai has defied what everyone "says" is supposed to be!!!

Turns out I was pregnant and our journey began there.  It has been full of up's, down's, scary moments, joy, tears, fears, and complete awe.  And I although I am not sure we will ever do it again.. I would not trade a single moment of OUR experience.  Of course I am saying this before I give birth (so hopefully my feelings wont change after this week :)

Skip forward 9 months and Kai is still the same baby who is anything but typical.  Doctors say he is going to be small (5.2 lbs) and that we might have to adjust to what we thought would be our "Plan"
But in this last week Kevin and I have truly tried to take in every last minute and just let the joy of what has happened shine.

Last night Kevin read "Goodnight Moon" a book given to us by the Hess's as he layed on my belly feeling and listening to his son.  He said he could hear the heart beat along with other movements in my belly!  It makes my heart feel so much love to see the excitement and joy on Kevin's face about "his boy"

We have learned that Kai is very reactive to touch, and will respond to rubbing on one side or the other of my belly....needless to say we spend most nights testing this theory and then laughing at how far he sticks out his little butt and legs!  This by far has been my favorite part of pregnancy.

Here is a small recap of the 3rd trimester

Cravings: Peaches, Pineapple, BBQ, lots of fruit

Feelings: Anxiety about the baby being healthy. Still lots of kicks and rolls!! Sleeping is fitful, I wake every few hours.  Less energy, Lots of indigestion, Lots of pressure as he has dropped.

Funny Memories: Kevin talking to Kai and telling him stories.  Walking an empty stroller around the block with the dogs! I wanted to make sure they wouldn't freak out when I tried to walk them with the baby!  My OCD kicking into extreme force (I cleaned everything...even sticky notes at work!)  Enjoying our "last" moments of peace and quiet.  The calm before the storm.

Dreams: Snakes, Tigers (they are back), I had a dream one night that I gave birth to twins but each only had ONE EYE!!! When I told our neighbors the Hess's they found a hat that was symbolic of my dream. haha  I think Kevin might wear it in the delivery room just for comic relief.

Weight gain: I am toping the scales at 148.  This is a toal of 30 lbs overall since the beginning!

We have tied up every last loose end.  Bag's packed, day-care picked, outfits washed, house is clean... there is nothing more that I need than for our little boy to be in our arms healthy and strong!  We are excited and nervous (as any parent to be is) but we know that God is going to get us through this week.

September 6th Hurry up!!!!!!!!!

37 weeks

I have to say that after taking this picture and my doctors apt this week this board is in error.  I usually get the weight and size out of my "What to Expect" book.  And a typical baby would weight this much at 37 weeks.... but our little man is going to be anything from typical.

As I knew from the start.  It seems like nothing about this journey has been simple or planned, so this week would be no different.
We found out that baby Kai has not gained any weight in the last month and is only showing to be 5.2 lbs!!!  He has weighed this much on the ultrasounds since the beginning of August.  At first my doctor said it was no alarm and that he was just slowing down in growth which some babies do as they get close and run out of room.  But after a full month of no change in weight (when lets face it, this is the time they should be bulking up) the doctor has said its time for him to come out. 
So we now have a new induction date set for Thursday September 6th..  After switching family flights and finishing up my last day at work I have decided that it is probably best to finally take it easy.  Kevin and I have never been one to slow down and I can count the number of days we have been "lazy" this summer on one hand!  So I feel like its time to just relax and try to give Kai the best possible chance of growing big and strong over the next week before he joins us.

I would be lying if I was to say that I was not worried about him, his health, and what will come next.  But I have to trust that God knows the plan and is going to take care of our baby. 
I just want him to be healthy.  They said depending on how things go he might be in the hospital anywhere from a few days to a week or so.  We are hoping for the best and that we get to bring him home as soon as possible.

Kevin has officially put me on a protein diet and has instructed me to eat "everything in sight"!!!

As of my last doctors apt. I weighed 148.  I have gained a total of 30lbs in the last nine months.
It is neat because I was looking at my baby book and found out that my starting and ending weight is the exact same as my mothers was with me (only I came out weighing 6.8oz.)

So for now I am being monitored and watched to make sure that the baby stays active and his vitals are good, and until the 6th we are all sitting on pins and needles.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

35 weeks

This is probably my favorite board picture thus far!  Kevin is usually the one behind the camera so to have him on the other side this week was fun.  And I feel like my belly looks big and round. haha
Hard to think we are getting so close.

This week was very busy.  I had my first episode of Braxton Hicks the other morning.  It was tight bands across the belly but more discomfort than anything. 

Also the doctor set our induction date for SEPTEMBER 10TH!!!!!  It is absolutely crazy to think that no matter what Kai will be with us then! 
Kevin and I have been talking a lot about what we think he will look like and how exciting it is getting.  On top of that at night he has been kicking and rolling around so much that everyone in the house can see it. haha

I think we are officially ready.  There is not a single thing I can think of that will make me more prepared/ ready.  We installed the car seat!  I think all my college education was leading me to that point.  It took us almost an hour. And at one point Kevin was ready to just use bungee cords but I insisted we actually install the seat based on the manual! ha
Needless to say, once it was in and set Kevin and I both said... oh, that's it?  As if it should have been that simple all along!

I also took a breast feeding class this week.  Very informative and I would highly recommend it to friends.
Bags are packed, date  is set and Mom and Dad are ready!!!  Now we are just waiting on you precious Kai.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

33 weeks

Been feeling very exhausted this week.  The doctor put me on iron supplements to help make sure we are getting all the nutrients we need.  I also have been sleeping very poor.  Restless legs, big belly, stuffy nose.  The list goes on and on.
Oh and the crazy dreams about tigers chasing me are back! haha 

I am going to cook up some easy meals this week and freeze them.  It's the last real thing on my "to-do" list. 
From the beginning I have had a strong feeling that I will not make it the full 40 weeks.  I just have this feeling that I will go into labor early.  So because of that I think I have tried to be more prepared than most.  I am actually glad I have all the "major" things done.  With my energy decreasing, I really cant imagine trying to complete a nursery or having a baby shower at this stage.

Weight is 142 this week!

Kai is still kicking and they are getting stronger.  I have also noticed in the last few weeks that he gets hick-ups at night.

I think our dog's know the time is near.  They seem to be acting out lately.  They both have been getting into things they would normally never mess with (trash, purses, flowers), I feel like they are trying my patience already!
Dr. appointments are now weekly and we should have an "induction date" this week!  If Kai makes it to the date then we will be able to have some family here for his big arrival!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Kai's Nursery

Here are a few pictures of the nursery.  I was really pleased with how it turned out.  Lots of little details that are fun and totally represent the laid back nautical feel we wanted.  I didn't go for the traditional baby look, but let me tell you this room is exactly what I wanted.  Thanks Kevin for all your help and hard work!!!!!

31 weeks

Playing catchup now on the last few weeks.  We have been busy as usual.  I am coming to the conclusion that it may never slow down..even though my body is telling me to. 
We extended our back deck and added on double the space.  That was Kevin's one big project before the baby came.  I have been nesting like crazy.  I'm talkin, scrubbin floors, organizing, cleaning, at home and work.  The other day they were giving me a hard time at the office because I cleaned a sticky note! Haha

I thought it would be fun to post some of the cravings that have been constant throughout the pregnancy! 
Weight gain now is pretty heavy.  At 140 this week!  At the doctors apt. they said that the baby had already turned head down which is great news and that he is weighing in at 4.2 lbs!  Suddenly I am wondering if we are going to have a big boy on our hands!!!
Kevin is getting more and more excited.  I think we are both ready to actually see this little guy.  Although he makes feeling him quite easy now days.  He is VERY active and Kevin gets a kick out of trying to make him move.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

30 weeks

Swollen ankles have been the theme of this week!  Seems like when we got back from Naples and immediately got into the third trimester things started to go down hill.  I dont know if it is just because we have been busy or what, but exhaustion has started to creep back up!  I notice that when I sit all day at work my ankles look like sausages! haha

I have also started to wake back up in the middle of the night again for restroom breaks.  I guess being on the downhill slope is harder that it looks!  I am steadily gaining weight.  At 30 weeks I am weighing 138 lbs. and the baby is almost 3 lbs!  Hmmm that does not sound like a very good ratio!!!  Good thing Kevin and I are walking in the evenings.

I took my Glucose test last week and passed so that is good.  In two more weeks I will start going for stress tests!  Wow, I cant believe we only have 10 weeks left to go. 
On a good note we have finished the baby nursery (picts to come soon), we got our cord blood kit, and have started to prepare for the last 2 months!  My "to-do" list is getting longer not shorter, but that is my OCD kicking in. I am trying not to get overwhelmed or think about all the things ahead.  For now, I am taking it one day at a time. 

So with that being said... I'm off to watch Kevin's fireworks show and eat some watermelon.  Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

baby-moon/ anniversary

Kevin and I have officially been married 4 years.  And I have to say it has gone by fast.  We have lived in 3 different states, I have changed careers (started working for Kevin) and now we are expecting our first child!  I can definitely say that our lifestyle is not for everyone.  But for us God has a special plan and our life style is perfect for us.  Kevin and I have learned how to work as partners, we have become not only soul mates and loved ones but best friends.  We rely on each other 100% but in a way that allows us to share, motivate, love and support each other like never before.  
That is in no way to say that our 4 years together have been easy.  I would say, like a toddler we did go through the terrible two's! haha  But we are committed to each other and try to always remember that it was our love for each other that happened before anything else!  

So thank you Kevin... for loving me, for being my rock, for letting me be silly, for supporting me, and spoiling me, and choosing me 4 years ago!  I love you and cant wait to share many more years with you. 

Anniversary dinner at Roy's! Yummy!

So to celebrate the occasion and to have one last little get away we went to Naples Florida, we have been there before but I wanted to go somewhere that was "easy" and that had great food, a nice QUIET beach, and was on the Gulf Coast.  So Naples it was!  And although we caught a tropical storm and it rained the whole time we really enjoyed ourselves!  Our days consisted of a lot of nothing and tons of R&R.  I got a massage, we ate really good fresh seafood, we did some shopping, we layed around and slept in!!!  PERFECT! 
my love

relaxing on the beach

I know that life is about to change in major ways for us, but it was good to reflect and enjoy each other and life's simple pleasures.  I feel very blessed for the year we have had and we are beyond excited to welcome our baby boy to the family.  I know that this last trimester is going to be busy.  So this little getaway was so nice.  And we have already decided another one will be in order soon after Kai comes.... So any takers on baby sitting?!?!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

28 weeks

We are fixing to leave for Naples to celebrate, so I thought I better catch up before hand and post about the END OF THE SECOND TRIMESTER!  Wow, it's been great!  We got to visit home, get the baby room set up, unpack all the baby items. We again had our up's and downs.  I am learning that having another life growing in you is NO easy thing.  But the experience has been priceless.  So many precious memories.

So here is the Second Trimester wrap up.

Cravings: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, anything sweet, & milk
Feelings: Lots of kicks and rolls!!  Getting harder to sleep comfortably, leg cramps, More energy than before, a tight belly (including an outtie!), some indigestion.

Funny Memories: Kevin thinking the crib was going to be an "easy assembly" and then it taking him until midnight!  Watching Kevin's face when he feels or sees a kick!  Our trip to Texas to visit the fam/friends. Unpacking all the cute clothes as we ooohh'ed and aahh'ed over them.

Dreams: None that stick out, sometimes they are odd anf vivid but none about babies or little Kai.

Weight gain: Well.... I definetly kicked it up a notch.  I went from only gaining around 2 lbs last trimester to putting on a total of 15 lbs in 2nd trimester so I am at 135 total.

When we get back from Naples we will put the finishing touches on the nursery so I will post pictures of that soon as well!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

25 weeks

Although the baby is only the size of a cantaloupe, Momma is feeling like a stuffed turkey!  My belly is so hard and looking like a basketball!!!  haha

Baby is doing tons of kicks and flips now!  Kevin can really feel them now as well.  He put his head on my belly and felt a full on foot roll across this face!

We have also been working on the nursery!  I love love love the way it looks!  (I will post pictures of before an after once its done) We have the crib and most of the major items done, now its just little touches and paint that we need.  It's very peaceful, serene and nautical.   I know it will probably be the only time I get to pick the decor before its dinosaurs and spiderman themes, so it may seem simple to most people but it's everything I dreamed it would be.

With all the baby set up my back has been killing me at night!  I really don't know how everyone continues on later in the pregnancy like its no big deal!  I have gained 15 lbs and its seems to all be sitting on my back! Ouch. 
And on top of that leg cramps have started this week.  Several night I woke up with full on knots in my calves!!!  OOOUCH!  One night I even tried to get out of bed to walk it off and fell to the floor, it was so knotted up. 

I can't believe we are into June!  Feels like September is right around the corner.  We are going on a baby moon/ anniversary trip in two weeks so that will be great!!! Lots to do....

But I did get all my thanks you notes done!!!  whew!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Texas Trip

I will try to make this a shorter version, but gosh I was home for 2 weeks and felt like there were so many things going on.  It was amazing to spend time with friends and family.  There was plenty of "belly rubs" and love to go around for Momma and Kai! 

The first thing on the list was Christy graduated from nursing school!!!  She is interviewing to work in the neo-natal unit with babies!  I am so proud of her.  There was such a glow and excitement about her.  She had worked so hard and accomplished something for herself!  Now if only we can plan on having her in NY when we deliver!!  Here are a few pictures of her graduation.

The next morning I was at Christy's house.  I had not slept all night because I was still waiting on test results to come back from the specialist in Rochester.  I had spent most of the night crying and praying.... for some reason God just kept saying to me, I will not give you more than you can handle.  BUT in my fear, I just kept wondering...well, what does that mean?  Is it all going to be ok, or is God going to show me how to love more than I know?  I remember taking to Kevin on the phone.  Everyone kept saying they felt peace.  I told Kevin (crying) I don't feel at peace!!!  I just had such a bad feeling in my stomach and was almost terrified to get the news.  I was crying and talking to Christy shortly after when the phone rang.  I immediately burst into tears.  I am certain the lady on the other end thought I was nuts, or possibly not (considering she has to make these kinds of calls daily) anyway, she said the most beautiful words.  "Honey, its ok... everything came back and your baby is OK!!!!!!!!" 
At this point I have now gone from tears to hysterical crying!  When I got off the phone I sobbed in Christy's arms.  All the emotion of the past week, the fears, worry, wonder and uncertainty all came out at once but was now combined with relief and praise and joy.  When I think about that moment all I can say is I see that God is sooooooooo good and perfect.  And that he truly wants blessings for his children!

The next day I went to Graham to have a baby shower at the Brogdon's thrown by Fleda, Jenifer, Jessica, Sheila, and Diane.  It was so cute.  I must say the decorations were amazing!!  Nautical all the way, and we got so many cute baby items.  Shirts that said "Captain Adorable", "Handsome like Daddy" and many more!  It was just wonderful and such a great way to celebrate right before Mother's Day.  Kevin even got me a card and had hid it in my luggage!

I spent the next few days visiting with all my loved ones, and just enjoying the moments of getting to share some of this experience with family!  I am very grateful for all that time.

Kevin came in the next week and we spent 90% of our time relaxing....something we had not done in quite some time.  We were poolside at the Benbrook house most days and spent every meal eating off of our "favorites list"  By the end of the week I think I ate Mexican food 10 times, and was still craving it! 

We finished off the week by heading to The Brewer's wedding in Graham and then to Dallas for our Couples Baby Shower!!!
This shower was for friends and was very laid back and un-traditional.  We had so many friends come up and see us it was wonderful!  We spent the day outside, drinking, eating crawfish and catching up!!!  Thanks again to the Sammon's, Gretzinger's, Catalono's and the Schoellkopf's for all the love and for showering us with fun gifts!
Here are picts from that shower as well.

All in All it was a wonderful time.  It was a time to truly start enjoying the pregnancy and the blessings God has given us.  It was a time to visit loved ones, soak up the sun, gain 10 lbs, and leave TX happy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

23 weeks

Well we are back from our 2 week Texas trip and are trying to play catch up... so forgive me if the next few blogs are long, but there is so much to write about.

First of all... can you say hello belly!!!! Man it seems to be just growing every day now. I came back from Texas weighing 131 so I did put on a few pounds worth of Mexican food.

We got home and started getting the baby room ready and things seem to really be sinking in! After such a great trip I do have to admit I missed my bed, body pillow, and my pups! So I was happy to be home.

Kai's room is top on the list. So I will be posting pictures of that soon as we get it all set up! I cant wait, we got some really great Nautical decor while in TX.

Besides the growing round bump that is here to stay, I have been craving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches the last few weeks. And dessert is a must after almost every meal (lunch included)

We have a few more sonogram appointments to follow up on Kai's little kidneys, but we are so happy and grateful that all the testing for Downs Syndrome turned out negative and we can now focus on the blessings we have!

Oh yeah, I also got a great baby book from MeMe so I am going to try to catch up in that...along with thank you notes! Busy Busy

Another Scary Moment

Well because I have spent every bit of this journey writing about it... this was a story to not be left out!

Right before my scheduled trip to Texas our OBGYN had informed us at our 20 week appointment that our baby boy's kidneys looked a little enlarged.  He then told us that he was going to send us to a specialist in Rochester about 2 hours north where a team of doctors would take a more extensive look and go over the next steps.  He did try and reassure us that majority of the time the kidneys would not be a major issue and probably correct themselves from the blockage before birth..... He did FAIL to mention any warning about what happened next.

Kevin and I went up on Monday to see the specialist (Wednesday I was leaving for Texas).  We had planned to see the doctor at 11, get some lunch, maybe a little shopping in a bigger city and then spend the afternoon at home.  WE WERE WRONG... VERY WRONG.

As we arrive I noticed that the "specialist" we were seeing was actually a Genetics Practice.  As Kevin and I walk into the patient room (a room that I will later say closed in on me) we were greeted with a lady who immediately began asking us questions about our family history, if we were familiar with Downs Syndrome, and if we had ever thought about how our lives would be living with a child with DS!!!  Shock!  That is really all I can say about what Kevin and I were hearing.  We were so confused.  At one point Kevin even said... umm Ma'am we are here for the baby's kidneys, not DS.
Turns out that enlarged kidneys is a "marker" or possible indicator of DS, and our chances and risk of having a child with DS were now elevated.  They told us that they were going to perform some blood test that would give us our "chances" and they would take a detailed look at the baby (a 1.5hr sonogram) to look for additional "markers"

So after a long realization that lunch, or peace of mind was no where in site any time soon. We waited on results.  The doctor came back in saying that Kai's legs and arms were measuring "shorter" than what they should and that those were two additional markers for DS! 

Soooooo let me recap.  At 10:30 am, Kevin and I believed we have a perfect baby that was basically all was healthy and 3:00 our world had now fallen apart and we were being told that there was a "very real chance" that our child would be born with DS.
The only way to know (yes or no answer) is to do a test where they stick a needle through your belly into the placenta and test the amniotic fluid.  A test I had decided early in the pregnancy I was not going to do, because it has a risk of miscarriage.  But here we are hours later... in the same room (that is now caving in on us) and we are making decisions based on the daunting information at hand.  Emotional to say the least!!!!!! 
So we would have to wait until Friday to hear any results.
Kevin and I didnt speak a word the whole way home.  I cried, he sat... astonished, scared, and left feeling empty and yet emotionally drained all at once.  Not to mention I now had to get on a plane in two days (without Kevin) and head home to be with family as the throw me a baby show for our little boy!!!!!!!!!

to be continued.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

20 weeks


The big reveal went well, the Dr's apt. was wonderful.  We got to see HIM on the ultrasound and view so many amazing things.  The four chambers of his heart, him kicking his legs and even swallowing!  It was amazing to see the growth. 
We do have to go see a specialist for his kidneys, one of them was enlarged and was not draining properly.  Sometimes this is a thing that can correct its self so we will have to monitor them.  We are praying for them to work out on their own, but if not the baby will have to have surgery when born.

Other than that it was an amazing week.   I started feeling baby kicks and its so exciting.  I can feel these little thumps all day long now!!!

We also got all of our registry items done. We are having two showers in Texas, hosted by wonderful friends and family in a few weeks so it was good to get that all done.

All the family was so excited and proud to be welcoming a baby boy!  And for everyone...including Kevin and myself we were surprised to hear it was a boy!!  For some reason everyone thought I was carrying a girl. haha

But Kai Mason Ford is on his way!  Mommy and Daddy love and welcome you little boy!!!!

We took some pictures to capture the day and share the news of Team Blue!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

19 weeks

Thought I would catch up on some of the cravings lately.  For a few weeks it was Oreos (although I haven't had them in years) then it turned to Frosted Flakes.  Apple Juice has been the one constant.  I have it every morning. 
I broke down and bought some maternity clothes and a few cotton dresses that I figure will get me throughout the next 5 months. 
Wow I cant believe we are already halfway there!  The first half of the pregnancy has flown by... and been cheap.  But I told Kevin I feel like the next 5 we need to hide the credit cards. haha
I have done well with looking and browsing but not yet buying anything, but I have a feeling that after next week that will all change!

I still have yet to feel any movement.  I sit around on the couch in the evenings and wait for flutters or bubbles or something...but still nada. At least we will get an updated sonogram on our visit April 30th.

So what do ya think... Team Blue or Pink?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

17 weeks

Wow, I cant believe its already 17 weeks. Sometimes they seem to fly by. We are getting really close to finding out if we are going to have a Daddy's Girl, or a Mamma's Boy! haha

I feel like my belly is really starting to show.  Which also means its time to start thinking about some different clothes.  I have been craving sweets with almost every meal!  I have only gained about 4 lbs so far. But I am sure that will all change. 
Last week we were out of town working on the new FWP office.  Let me tell you I was exhausted after all the work.  So I think I'm due for a spa day.  On top of that next week is B-Day week for Kevin and I!!!  Don't think we will be topping last year (30th in Vegas) but we are a year older and a year more appreciative of what God has blessed us with.  So we are going to eat a nice dinner and then we each vowed to cook each other our favorite dessert.  (Did I mention I'm craving sweets?!?! haha)
I will update next week with how it goes.
In the mean time I hope everyone enjoys their Easter Sunday, and remembers the reason for the celebration.  Our Father loves us enough that he made the ultimate sacrifice of his own son so that we may be forgiven. He also let him rise again because God's plan is a perfect one.  I feel blessed and thankful to be a part of his purpose.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

15 weeks

Well we are  now into the second trimester.  Feeling much better, I cant tell if that's from the spring weather or the lack of nausea.  We have been starting to re-arrange the house/bedrooms.  I have also started having morning nose bleeds!  booo.  They say that is a symptom right now due to all the extra blood vessels.  So I am off to hunt for a good humidifier this weekend.
I have not felt any movements yet... but hopefully that will start soon.  Only 5 more weeks until we find out if we are team BLUE or PINK!  Seems like forever...

I am very excited about taking a trip back home.  I will be going in May for a couple of weeks to catch up with family and friends!  Looking forward to the visit and to sharing some of the experience with loved ones.  Hopefully I have a fun baby bump by then. haha

Saturday, March 10, 2012

13 weeks

End of the 1st Trimester, and I must say I'm not at all sad to say goodbye! haha  Just within the last week I can tell a huge change, suddenly I feel like myself again.  My energy is back, and I am back to eating 3 meals a day instead of grazing all day long to curb my nausea.  Life is beautiful, and suddenly so is pregnancy!  Not only am I feeling the burst of energy from the next part of our journey, our "safe zone" has arrived and we are no longer at risk for miscarriage!  whew.

So being that this is the end of the 1st trimester I felt like I should do a little recap of some of the memories over the last 13 weeks.

Cravings:  Blow Pop Suckers, Mexican Food & anything salty!!!
Feelings: Most days there was extreme exhaustion, all day nausea, and lots of restless sleep.
Funny Memories:  Nesting... ever heard of it.. well I'm doing it almost every day!  This Saturday I woke up at 7 am with one thing on my mind.  Rugs.. I must wash all the rugs in the house today!!!! I have also made Kevin clean cob-webs out of the basement, scrubbed the carpet to rid of any dog hair (Which needless to say will all probably need to be done again before the 9 months are up!) and re-organized my closet.
Dreams: Well lets just say they are crazy and vivid right now!  I have only had two that involve a baby. And in both of those the baby was a little girl! HMMMMMM   But on most nights I dream of tigers chasing after my family?!?!?!? Weird Right?
Weight gain: none in this trimester.   I'm sure that will change soon, but my shape has changed.  I have a little pudgy around the waist and itchy/ dry skin where its starting to stretch.  I'm sure the cold weather is not helping either.

We are using our fetal doppler about once a week (worth every penny) to lay around and listen to the baby's heartbeat.  Too bad you can't get that on recording and sleep to it!  Its such a neat feeling to hear the heartbeat that is growing inside you.  I cant wait til we start feeling the baby kick!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

12 weeks

NEWS FLASH!!!! Baby Ford is looking more like a baby and less like some foreign island!
We finally announced the news.  After going to the doctor and hearing everything is looking good we decided we could not hold our excitement in one more moment!  There are milestones in life that you will never forget and I hope that these next 6 months are some that we always cherish.  God is such a perfect creator.  Not only did he create the heavens and earth he also created man and woman with the a natural way of growing and creating life.  WOW when you think about it and watch this little one growing in the womb it really puts life in perspective.  My Father knew my heart and also knew this road long before we did... and I must say looking back, it does all happen for a reason.  None the less, I feel blessed to have such Grace and Love in my life!  I cant wait to share that with a child!

Ok on a fun note, in the ultrasound we were able to see the baby move and even have a hick-up. HA
Monica (Kevin's Sister) seems to think by this picture that it's a girl.  Her thoughts were that if it was a boy it would have been showing off its "junk" because a son of Kevin's wont be a shy one. HAHA.  I got a real kick out of that!
We go back on April 30th to find out whether baby bean is a He or She... Thoughts??? Bets???

Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 weeks

Happy Valentine's little Bean!  It's been a busy week but Momma is doing good..feeling exhausted, and nauseous most days.
 Learning that you don't like it when I eat seafood! And although anything with garlic sounds great, it makes my tummy VERY ANGRY! Haha.
We are visiting NYC this next week so we will get to share the news with our friends and family!
Oh I also ordered a fetal heart monitor this week so that Daddy and I can hear your little heart beat whenever we want! So exciting!!
Alright... well I'm off to eat some chocolate to celebrate our first V-day together bean.

Friday, February 10, 2012

8 weeks

Ah, I can't believe we are at 8 weeks already.  Gosh only one month to go before we are out of the 1st trimester!  Exciting stuff.  I took my first belly picture this week. I am going to try to document the growth and use my board to share exciting updates as we go.  So here is the first of many more to come.  Also been thinking we are getting ready to announce the news!  We are thinking here in the next two weeks we will be able to tell the world about our precious gift!

They say at 8 weeks the baby's taste buds are forming.  So I made sure to eat lots of Mexican food this week!  Because let's face it, if your going to be any kid of ours you might need a sombrero.

7 weeks

Well little bean today you are seven weeks along!  So exciting!!  At 5w5d I had an ultrasound and was able to see your precious little heart beat.   It was the most amazing moment.  The feeling in my heart seeing you growing so big and strong was such a blessing from God.  Daddy was not there for it (which makes me sad) but we go back this week with hopes of seeing your strong heart!! I did get our first "picture" and we proudly have it hanging on the fridge.  You literally are the size of a little bean and look like it too. ha

 I am feeling all the "by the book" symptoms... nausea, big boobs, bloated, and tired.   But when you are growing a baby I guess that is all to be expected.  And if it means that you are healthy and strong we will welcome ever little bit of it.  I let myself get carried away this week with looking on baby websites.  Man all the things you have to buy and get.  Its nuts...but also looks like a lot of fun.  I've already found some adorable little outfits.  Too bad we wont know the sex for many more weeks to come.  Funny I always thought I would want a girl, but things have changed for us so much that we just want a healthy happy baby. And a small part of me wants Kevin to have his little boy!! haha Even though I will have no idea what to do with one.

Feeling a lot more relaxed and hopeful. Just praying that God's goodness continues to spill over on us! A friend gave me the quote from Psalms that I have been reflecting on "No good thing does he withold from those who walk uprightly. Blessed are those who trust in God."

5w5d saw the heartbeat!

7w5d saw and heard your little heartbeat!
Oh yeah, we also got your due date SEPTEMBER 15TH!

Baby Diary's

Well, what can I say... I am overjoyed. I must say I knew before I knew!  You little one, are a gift from Maui!  So I will not be surprised if you come out on a surf board! We have so much love for you already.  Although at this time you are only 5 weeks, we have already shared up's and downs with you and feel like God has blessed us.  Last Friday your Dad and I got to see your little picture.  You are so tiny.  Just a speck...but a speck that is growing very strong and is such a welcome blessing.  When we left the doctor we jumped up and down with excitment!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New York- New Years

There is nothing more beautiful than the city during the Holidays.  There is something so surreal about all the lights and decorations.  Walking the streets in the crisp cool air, holding hands and taking it all in feels like something straight off a movie!  We also had a chance to meet up with family for a warm dinner while celebrating the end of a year.

Before I tell you how CRAZY New Years is in Times Square.  I must take a minute to reflect on this year.  Although I have a wonderful husband that I am very blessed to be with, this year was hard.  Kevin and I experienced a loss that I never knew happen.  We have tackled moving away... multiple times, from friends and family.  We have experienced hard times and lots of late work night.  We have experienced trials of learning to live and work together.   But through all that we persevered and actually became so much closer because of it.  I can say with out hesitation that Kevin is my best friend and my soul mate.  God knew exactly what I needed when he brought him in my life and I am grateful everyday for a man that loves me so much.  He spoils me rotten no doubt!  But in all the trials of 2011 and the health issues I had... the biggest one we faced was loosing a baby.  The emotions of the situation tried to wedge walls between us as a couple and we found ourselves having to learn how to cope together.  It was hard, heartbreaking, scary, and discouraging all at once.  But as the year came to a close we found ways to move on and know that God had a plan and a time for us.... So I was more than willing to say goodbye to 2011 and welcome what the new year was going to bring!  And to be honest I had a hunch that 2012 would be much better (wink wink).

 So as you can see the crowds this time of year are crazy.  Its amazing how many people you can actually pack into a small space at one time!  We had tickets to Fridays on Times Square and let me tell you why that is the best thing ever.  1) Your not in the barricade with all the other 10 million people who lined up at 4 in the afternoon to stand with no room, no food, no water, no the cold.  Yep doesn't sound that fun huh!! 2) We could walk the streets all night, had drinks, food, warmth, restrooms, and music.... do I need to continue???

All in all it was an amazing experience.  I think everyone should make the effort to do it ONCE. But then cross it off your list and move on.  haha

We had such a good time and I will never forget it.  And I have to say thanks to Kevin...otherwise I would have never actually done it!

Kevin was such a sport with the 2012 apparel

Happy New Years all... This year I made NO resolutions.  I am going to live this year as the moments come.