Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another Scary Moment

Well because I have spent every bit of this journey writing about it... this was a story to not be left out!

Right before my scheduled trip to Texas our OBGYN had informed us at our 20 week appointment that our baby boy's kidneys looked a little enlarged.  He then told us that he was going to send us to a specialist in Rochester about 2 hours north where a team of doctors would take a more extensive look and go over the next steps.  He did try and reassure us that majority of the time the kidneys would not be a major issue and probably correct themselves from the blockage before birth..... He did FAIL to mention any warning about what happened next.

Kevin and I went up on Monday to see the specialist (Wednesday I was leaving for Texas).  We had planned to see the doctor at 11, get some lunch, maybe a little shopping in a bigger city and then spend the afternoon at home.  WE WERE WRONG... VERY WRONG.

As we arrive I noticed that the "specialist" we were seeing was actually a Genetics Practice.  As Kevin and I walk into the patient room (a room that I will later say closed in on me) we were greeted with a lady who immediately began asking us questions about our family history, if we were familiar with Downs Syndrome, and if we had ever thought about how our lives would be living with a child with DS!!!  Shock!  That is really all I can say about what Kevin and I were hearing.  We were so confused.  At one point Kevin even said... umm Ma'am we are here for the baby's kidneys, not DS.
Turns out that enlarged kidneys is a "marker" or possible indicator of DS, and our chances and risk of having a child with DS were now elevated.  They told us that they were going to perform some blood test that would give us our "chances" and they would take a detailed look at the baby (a 1.5hr sonogram) to look for additional "markers"

So after a long realization that lunch, or peace of mind was no where in site any time soon. We waited on results.  The doctor came back in saying that Kai's legs and arms were measuring "shorter" than what they should and that those were two additional markers for DS! 

Soooooo let me recap.  At 10:30 am, Kevin and I believed we have a perfect baby that was basically all was healthy and 3:00 our world had now fallen apart and we were being told that there was a "very real chance" that our child would be born with DS.
The only way to know (yes or no answer) is to do a test where they stick a needle through your belly into the placenta and test the amniotic fluid.  A test I had decided early in the pregnancy I was not going to do, because it has a risk of miscarriage.  But here we are hours later... in the same room (that is now caving in on us) and we are making decisions based on the daunting information at hand.  Emotional to say the least!!!!!! 
So we would have to wait until Friday to hear any results.
Kevin and I didnt speak a word the whole way home.  I cried, he sat... astonished, scared, and left feeling empty and yet emotionally drained all at once.  Not to mention I now had to get on a plane in two days (without Kevin) and head home to be with family as the throw me a baby show for our little boy!!!!!!!!!

to be continued.

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