Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, February 10, 2012

8 weeks

Ah, I can't believe we are at 8 weeks already.  Gosh only one month to go before we are out of the 1st trimester!  Exciting stuff.  I took my first belly picture this week. I am going to try to document the growth and use my board to share exciting updates as we go.  So here is the first of many more to come.  Also been thinking we are getting ready to announce the news!  We are thinking here in the next two weeks we will be able to tell the world about our precious gift!

They say at 8 weeks the baby's taste buds are forming.  So I made sure to eat lots of Mexican food this week!  Because let's face it, if your going to be any kid of ours you might need a sombrero.

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