Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Catching up.. May & June

Although summer time is always my favorite... its also when Kevin and I are the busiest. I must say the weather finally warming up has warmed my soul. I love to sit out on our back porch and people watch on our street! Kevin and I will come home and enjoy a drink and dinner outdoors most nights of the week. (ah the simple things).

We have met several of our neighbors at this point and are really starting to enjoy the neighborhood. We went to a concert with the Hess’s and met a whole group of fun folks (Including Susan and Dennis who brew their own beer!!!) We also had a Memorial weekend party with the work crew,we cooked out and had a good ol time. Picts Below

This was my new cup.. which I am supposed to drink water out of, but this day it was for Margaritas! ha
So, then came June. Ah yes.. I love June…

Christy, Rick and Haley came up to visit. We had a blast, we tried to pack so much in. Dirks Bentley Concert, Corning, Seneca Lake Wine Trail. Good food and good family. I must say it was great seeing them and showing them a little of our life in the North. At least they came when the weather is beautiful!

the whole crew

a little rain at Dirks wont scare us off!
@ tags

Watkins Glenn Falls

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