Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pet Names

I never thought I would be one of those pet name kind of people.  You know you see/hear these people out in public and either snicker to yourself or say ewww.  But now being close to the three year mark and looking back on our relationship I have noticed lately that we have quite a few.  I laughed at the thought of anyone ease dropping on a conversation at our house in the evenings.  So, for giggles and grins and to remind myself  later in life of all the funny things we used to say.... here is the story.

Babes: derived from baby
Hubs: no brainer on this one
K-Fizzle: I started calling Kevin this a while back, not sure why
Fordy: Kevin's college nick-name
Cousband: This is what happens when you come from a small town, and everyone is someones cousin!
Biscuit: This started one weekend when I said I wanted Biscuits for breakfast (a Sunday staple at the Ford's) and suddenly we started calling each other that. But it is my favorite
Cakes: Kevin started this one, I thought it was a short version of baby cakes...turns out he meant it as CRAZY cakes!!! lol
Cheeks: In response to Kevin calling me Cakes, I started calling him Cheeks.  Short for sweet cheeks (this was still back with I thought he meant baby cakes)!!

We have several terms for cuddling: cuddle turned in to snuggle, and then Scuddle (a mix between the previous two terms, which turned into Biscuity (which came from me saying I wanted to eat biscuits for breakfast and go back to bed and get biscuity) ha!

I noticed we also have a few for Ella, my cocker spaniel.... Ella Bear, E.B. El, Ella Bella, Little Brown Dog, L.B.D, and so on!  haha

Guess we are a family full of names!  I feel sorry for our kids.

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