In April we took a little trip to College Station for Chilifest!! Chilifest is somewhat bittersweet for me. I have yet to miss this annual event since I first went to A&M in 1999! It is the best time and is the true compliment to TEXAS. It's a weekend full of beer, pastures, friends and TEXAS COUNTRY MUSIC!

Only this trip was different for two reasons.
1.) We had our good friend Brennan in from Hawaii visiting us for the week and he wanted to see a "Country Concert". So I thought what better place than to Chilifest for him to see Pat Green, Cross Canadian, Robert Earl Keen and other legends.
2.) Afterwards, I realized I'm not in college anymore, nor can I keep pretending I am. So all though we rocked Chilifest '09 with a bang... it will probably be my last.
It's like any great sitcom, Friends, Sex and the City, Seinfield... Smart people end a show while its still great.. before it drags out and is only remembered for its last "overdone" episodes.
So, in conclusion of the last 10 years of Chilifest's, here are a few things I am going to miss.
1) Shotgunning beers
2) 24 hours of sweaty, hot, sunburning, Texas heat... along with beer
3) The venue... which has not changed in the past 10 years. Thank you Pat, Cross, and Willie for the continuous memories
4) The Port-a Pottys... which I found a way to never use!
5) The groups of friends you come with and the ones you always make while there
6) The beer... oh the beer...

Here are some pictures from the event!
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