It all started when my dad found out that he had prostate cancer. Just the word really shook me up. I have to say it wasn't unexpected. Both my grandfather and uncle passed away from the C-word. My dad had not been feeling well for some time so when the doctor came back with the news I knew what we were facing. Either way, the thought of anything even happening to my dad was un-thinkable. We have not been on the best of terms in the past, but this year had been such a turning point. For the first time in a while I knew my dad was happy for me. It was clearly evident at our wedding. My dad is really fond of Kevin so since our engagement we had been talking more and more. Its funny though, in times like this you really realize how much someone means to you and how easily you take them for granted. I know I know... everyone says that when something tragic happens. But maybe that is part of the reason why God puts events like that in our lives. I truly believe that God had a plan for this whole thing long before it was revealed.
Anyway, after lots of doctors visits and praying about what would be best my dad decided on surgery. It was scheduled for this last week. Up until the day before the surgery I had not thought much about it. I think I tried to keep it on the back burner and stay distracted. But the day before I was a mess! It was more the thought of all the things I couldn't control and "might" go wrong that scared me. But the surgery went very well!!! Praise God! Our family is so thankful to have it behind us, now we are just focusing on moving forward.
But... as if that wasn't enough on my plate to think about this month. I managed to also have my first car accident!!! And let me tell you it was crazy. I was coming home from work (it was actually mine and Kevin's engagement anniversary, October 28th) minding my own business when out of no where I was hit unbelievably hard on my passenger side. Before I knew it I was flying across 3 lanes of traffic to hit directly on a cement median on the driver side. It happened in a blink, all airbags deployed and shook me up pretty good. It took me a few minutes to process what had just happened. The car in the far right lane had come into my lane and sent me flying. My NEW car was crushed! I can say though amazingly no one was hurt! Again, I believe it was a God thing. There is no other way to describe what happened. I was traveling home at 5:30 on a busy interstate and traveled across 4 lanes of traffic without hitting anyone else and with out anyone else being injured. I truly believe that if I would have had time to think or react the damage would have been much worse.
As lucky as we were, I have to say it has been a pain in the butt every since. Dealing with insurance, no car, and my achy neck has made for one cranky wife. I was so proud to have a nice new car, and in an instant it was ruined. Either way you look at it now we are out a large chunk of cash. My car is worth nothing now and yet we cant afford another one. YUCK! And even though it wasn't my fault the other driver did not have enough insurance to cover the damage on my car. Just thinking about the whole ordeal makes my neck tense.
So... in a nutshell, I have been stressed. I guess you could say with everything on our plate I could really use some sense of normality in my life. I am really looking forward to a lazy weekend or some structure to our days.
I put up a picture, its hard to see but basically all of my front was crushed up like an accordion. It also blew out both tires and completely broke off my wheel axle and steering column!

I can say though, in the mix of all the chaos and hard times. I am reminded daily that I have a wonderful husband. He lets me vent on my bad days, cry on my sad ones, and even take it out on him when no one else is around. All in all, even the worst days are better having him to come home to!
1 comment:
Goodness...that is too much for anyone! Glad to hear that your father is doing better and that you are ok. That is very scary! I put a permission on our blog b/c I had some strange visits....I wanted to send you an email with the invitation but the only email I have is the aerotek it still the one to reach you at? let me know @
Hope you and Kevin are doing well and basking in the love light!!! We miss you guys!
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