Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Are you ready for some football...

Well, we are deep into football season which also equates to busy season for the Ford residence. I don't think there is a weekend until after Thanksgiving that we are not on the run. This weekend we took a trip to College Station to watch the Aggies take on Texas Tech. It was great to be back "home" but also hard considering Kevin and I have a difference of opinion. haha The good news is we didn't leave A&M divorced! We actually had a good time watching both our teams, but for me it was a first to not sit on the student side. I found myself deep in a mix of Tech fans on my right and Aggie Alum on my left. The game was not a total blow out and turned out to be fun, but I don't think I was well liked cheering for the Ag's in the opposing section! Nor do I think I will ever sit in that section again. From now on I told Kevin we will have to separate and meet up after the game when they are on my home turf. They say you bleed maroon... and in a sense its true. College Station was such a memorable place for me and what I considered my home until now. Its always nice to go back and visit.

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