Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, March 24, 2012

15 weeks

Well we are  now into the second trimester.  Feeling much better, I cant tell if that's from the spring weather or the lack of nausea.  We have been starting to re-arrange the house/bedrooms.  I have also started having morning nose bleeds!  booo.  They say that is a symptom right now due to all the extra blood vessels.  So I am off to hunt for a good humidifier this weekend.
I have not felt any movements yet... but hopefully that will start soon.  Only 5 more weeks until we find out if we are team BLUE or PINK!  Seems like forever...

I am very excited about taking a trip back home.  I will be going in May for a couple of weeks to catch up with family and friends!  Looking forward to the visit and to sharing some of the experience with loved ones.  Hopefully I have a fun baby bump by then. haha

Saturday, March 10, 2012

13 weeks

End of the 1st Trimester, and I must say I'm not at all sad to say goodbye! haha  Just within the last week I can tell a huge change, suddenly I feel like myself again.  My energy is back, and I am back to eating 3 meals a day instead of grazing all day long to curb my nausea.  Life is beautiful, and suddenly so is pregnancy!  Not only am I feeling the burst of energy from the next part of our journey, our "safe zone" has arrived and we are no longer at risk for miscarriage!  whew.

So being that this is the end of the 1st trimester I felt like I should do a little recap of some of the memories over the last 13 weeks.

Cravings:  Blow Pop Suckers, Mexican Food & anything salty!!!
Feelings: Most days there was extreme exhaustion, all day nausea, and lots of restless sleep.
Funny Memories:  Nesting... ever heard of it.. well I'm doing it almost every day!  This Saturday I woke up at 7 am with one thing on my mind.  Rugs.. I must wash all the rugs in the house today!!!! I have also made Kevin clean cob-webs out of the basement, scrubbed the carpet to rid of any dog hair (Which needless to say will all probably need to be done again before the 9 months are up!) and re-organized my closet.
Dreams: Well lets just say they are crazy and vivid right now!  I have only had two that involve a baby. And in both of those the baby was a little girl! HMMMMMM   But on most nights I dream of tigers chasing after my family?!?!?!? Weird Right?
Weight gain: none in this trimester.   I'm sure that will change soon, but my shape has changed.  I have a little pudgy around the waist and itchy/ dry skin where its starting to stretch.  I'm sure the cold weather is not helping either.

We are using our fetal doppler about once a week (worth every penny) to lay around and listen to the baby's heartbeat.  Too bad you can't get that on recording and sleep to it!  Its such a neat feeling to hear the heartbeat that is growing inside you.  I cant wait til we start feeling the baby kick!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

12 weeks

NEWS FLASH!!!! Baby Ford is looking more like a baby and less like some foreign island!
We finally announced the news.  After going to the doctor and hearing everything is looking good we decided we could not hold our excitement in one more moment!  There are milestones in life that you will never forget and I hope that these next 6 months are some that we always cherish.  God is such a perfect creator.  Not only did he create the heavens and earth he also created man and woman with the a natural way of growing and creating life.  WOW when you think about it and watch this little one growing in the womb it really puts life in perspective.  My Father knew my heart and also knew this road long before we did... and I must say looking back, it does all happen for a reason.  None the less, I feel blessed to have such Grace and Love in my life!  I cant wait to share that with a child!

Ok on a fun note, in the ultrasound we were able to see the baby move and even have a hick-up. HA
Monica (Kevin's Sister) seems to think by this picture that it's a girl.  Her thoughts were that if it was a boy it would have been showing off its "junk" because a son of Kevin's wont be a shy one. HAHA.  I got a real kick out of that!
We go back on April 30th to find out whether baby bean is a He or She... Thoughts??? Bets???