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Saturday, January 14, 2012

New York- New Years

There is nothing more beautiful than the city during the Holidays.  There is something so surreal about all the lights and decorations.  Walking the streets in the crisp cool air, holding hands and taking it all in feels like something straight off a movie!  We also had a chance to meet up with family for a warm dinner while celebrating the end of a year.

Before I tell you how CRAZY New Years is in Times Square.  I must take a minute to reflect on this year.  Although I have a wonderful husband that I am very blessed to be with, this year was hard.  Kevin and I experienced a loss that I never knew happen.  We have tackled moving away... multiple times, from friends and family.  We have experienced hard times and lots of late work night.  We have experienced trials of learning to live and work together.   But through all that we persevered and actually became so much closer because of it.  I can say with out hesitation that Kevin is my best friend and my soul mate.  God knew exactly what I needed when he brought him in my life and I am grateful everyday for a man that loves me so much.  He spoils me rotten no doubt!  But in all the trials of 2011 and the health issues I had... the biggest one we faced was loosing a baby.  The emotions of the situation tried to wedge walls between us as a couple and we found ourselves having to learn how to cope together.  It was hard, heartbreaking, scary, and discouraging all at once.  But as the year came to a close we found ways to move on and know that God had a plan and a time for us.... So I was more than willing to say goodbye to 2011 and welcome what the new year was going to bring!  And to be honest I had a hunch that 2012 would be much better (wink wink).

 So as you can see the crowds this time of year are crazy.  Its amazing how many people you can actually pack into a small space at one time!  We had tickets to Fridays on Times Square and let me tell you why that is the best thing ever.  1) Your not in the barricade with all the other 10 million people who lined up at 4 in the afternoon to stand with no room, no food, no water, no the cold.  Yep doesn't sound that fun huh!! 2) We could walk the streets all night, had drinks, food, warmth, restrooms, and music.... do I need to continue???

All in all it was an amazing experience.  I think everyone should make the effort to do it ONCE. But then cross it off your list and move on.  haha

We had such a good time and I will never forget it.  And I have to say thanks to Kevin...otherwise I would have never actually done it!

Kevin was such a sport with the 2012 apparel

Happy New Years all... This year I made NO resolutions.  I am going to live this year as the moments come. 

Maui Christmas

Well its been a while so I have a lot of catching up to do.  Kevin and I flew threw November and anxiously waited for December.  Then we decided to take the month off!!  And I must say this might be my new favorite tradition.  We went to Texas for a week, then Maui for a week, then back to Texas for Christmas... and then New York City for New years.  Wow when you read all that you are almost worn out just saying it all....but it was just what we needed and we enjoyed every minute of it!

It had been too long since our last trip to Maui, and the minute I got there I must say I felt more at home than I had in a while.  Although I miss Texas, I hope that when we are done being Yankee's we do not go back.  Maui is where both of our hearts are and there is just something there  that is un-explainable. 
So it only makes sense that special things happen there....I will elaborate on those later!!!

But it was great to relax, catch up with friends and family and breath the fresh air!  Here are a few pictures from the trip. 

I loves seeing all the different trees up for Christmas

Kevin always ask me sunset or sunrise... well after this trip I decided Im a sunset girl.  There is nothing better than a glass of wine, the sound of the waves and a beautiful sunset to top off any day!

I love that there is a full rainbow in the back of this picture.  It was our last day there before we left for the was like Maui was sending us off!

Our last night and family dinner!  What great memories.  I will forever cherish THIS TRIP!

Next we headed back home just in time to spend Christmas with all of the family in Texas.  It was so good to see grandparents, aunts, uncles, and best friends.  I have to say Christmas Eve at the Brogdon's was like a time warp.  Its good to know that no matter what space separates's you, love brings you together.  And watching the kids made me feel like I was re-living the past and how Jenifer and I grew up!  It was a special moment!