Baby Bean

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, April 11, 2011

Birthday Week!

Yep, It is time... the twenties are officially fading away.  This is my last week to spend doing anything dumb that can be blamed on the "twenties".  Which also means that it is time for my Birthday Week. Yep, if I have to celebrate the fact that I am getting older and showing more gray hair then I most certainly get to celebrate it big time!  So that means for a week, yep the whole week, I am going to celebrate and pout. haha

Kevin has some trick up his sleeve and we are jet setting somewhere for the weekend.  He will not tell me any details, so we will have to wait it out!  The excitement is killing me!!! Although the only thing I am really dying to have is an Ipad2, I will gladly take any time away to celebrate OUR birthdays. 
Oh yes... he is not out of the woods (since his is only 3 days after mine).  I am excited to see how the week plays out and what he has planned.

And just to start the "big" week off.  I had to rub it in to Kevin's face that for 29 years of my life my birthday has been on TAX DAY.  Which happens to also mean that everyone is grumpy.  But thanks to Obama..... I have been given a break.  No not a tax break, just a slight delay.  HA.  Tax day was moved to April 18th which now falls on KEVINS BIRTHDAY.  Hahaha

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trip to Texas

Last week after I crammed three weeks of office work into 3 days, Kevin and I headed to Texas for a long weekend!

I was really looking forward to the trip and thought it would be a lot of fun.  We had a wedding planned and some other "tentative" things we wanted to do!  Wellllll.. the trip from the start had a different agenda than I was aware of.  Wednesday morning at 4 am (yes we had a very early flight) we woke up to 8" of snow on the ground.  Mind you; its the end of March here!  Soooo needless to say the trip was off to an icy start!  We were delayed all morning long in the airport.  This caused us to miss our connecting flight and spend all of Wednesday watching airplanes instead of enjoying the sunny Texas weather and eating Mexican food! 

this is my I'm not happy about the delay face.

 This also caused us to have to "re-schedule" our already tight time frame. 
The trip was ok, we DID get to eat a lot of Mexican food!!  And we DID see all of our family (even if it was for an hour here and an hour there)  but it was such a short trip and we were so rushed that we had NO.. I mean NO time to enjoy or relax.  It was too much. We did not get to spend much time with our friends, or enjoy Texas and the beautiful weather!  I also didn't get my Lasik surgery done (that is another whole story) and instead I am now back to wearing glasses.
By the time we left we were so exhausted. We had traveled all over the place to try to cram it all in. We did however get to do a few things...

Kevin was so happy, he hugged the wall!

Kevin and I both got a pair of boots for our Birthdays (which is in two weeks :)
We got to eat lots of Mexican food!
We got to visit our friends in Dallas (all of whom have turned into parents in the last year!!)
We did go to Drew and Sam's beautiful wedding in Grandbury.

And then in the blink of an eye we were back to the cold cold north! I must say I was so bitter about the snow and its never ending grip it has on the North. But it is now into April and its still snowing... so if you cant beat em', join em'

I'm off to build a snowman!!